Malaysia 135LC Owners

AIS hose plugging

Popping sound from the exhaust on throttle release. Plan to plugging or block the AIS hose to resolve the issue.

Reference link:

Fast Bike MACH 2

Duration: 56:22 minutes
Still one of the best!

Fast Bike MACH 3

Duration: 46:47 minutes
Still one of the best!

Heavy On Fuel

Record Log:
Currently on 15/39
Temporary change back to 70/90 front & 80/90 rear
Heavy on fuel consumption while riding in city or town.. revert back to lighter wheels for the current moment to conserve fuel usage.
Note: To remain on current setup until the next course of action...

4 Your Next Consideration

MDS Head 19/22 with ready porting for 62mm or 63mm piston

MDS Cylinder 62mm Ceramic

MDS Cylinder 63mm Ceramic

Shark 62mm or 63mm Ceramic Low Compression Piston with higher deck piston

6 Spring Clutch Housing

Keihin PWK 28mm or PE 28mm

Alil Jke (Apex Parts Spirit) - Facebook

Yesterday oN Wednesday

Able to start, but the motorcycle dies out when giving it gas on the throttle
Got help from friends to push it to the workshop
- Change the mainjet from #105 to #110 and stayed on #22.5 pilotjet.
- Currently on 80/90 front & 90/90 rear.
- Current final drive 15/41 ratio

Need to change the engine oil soon.
Will try the K&N air filter box cover with more opening for air flow to lean it out a little for the air and fuel mixture.

Carb Keep NOtes

I'm new to rejetting, how do I know if the engine is lean or rich?

If the bike seems to be lean then partially cover the intake to the air filter housing with duct tape, if the carburetor improves it is running lean.
If the bike seems to be rich remove the airbox cover, if the carburetor improves it is running rich.

Original source
Click Here

Here are some things that affect jet size:
-Changing air cleaner, air box will affect how much air gets to the carburetor.
-Cleaning or oiling the air filter will affect how much air can get through it.

How do I tell if I am running Rich or Lean?
When rich, (too much fuel) the engine sputters,  acts like it is cold, won't warm up, does not clean out, chugs, spark plug gets black, plug fouls, won't rev up.\ When Lean,   (Not enough fuel) Dies out, Wheezes, runs out of gas, Seizes, gets hot, spark plug is white, spark plug has little melted gobs on it,   warms up fast, you can start engine cold and rev it right up.

What can I do to experiment?
To make it lean open up the air box a bit make sure the intake boots are not shrinking down clean out the air filter remove the air box.  To make it rich: Close off the intake holes in the air cleaner box. Hope this helps.

Original Source
Click Here

Idle and low rpm is the job of the pilot jet. Larger pilot jet will make things richer at low rpm, smaller--->Lean

From about 1/4 throttle to 3/4 throttle is the needle jet. The basic adjustment here is the height position. Higher--->Rich, Lower--->Lean.

Full throttle is the main jet, large--->Rich, Small--->Lean. This is where most people need a change when a free flowing pipe is added. More air means you need more fuel to keep the ratio right.

Original Source
Click Here

Carburetor Set Up and Lean Best Idle Adjustment

Reading On..

Got myself some coffee and it was very early in the morning around 4am, did some googling around and stumble upon a really informative webpage especially for motorcycle enthusiast, seems really well put together for the first few page of reading. great approach and guides on the writing. need to continue on with the reading and hopefully able to complete the motorcycle repair course.


There seems to be basically three main types of people who take the Motorcycle Repair Course.
  1. People who don't want to really do the repair, but do want to know how.
  2. People who want to do the work on their own bikes and save money.
  3. People who want to earn some money repairing motorcycles.

This course is designed for three types of people.
  1. People who want to do their own work.
  2. People who want to know how the work is done, but do not want to do it themselves.
  3. People who want to do it, for Pay, for other people.

Resting In Peace

Ok memandangkan sekarang banyak sangat problem moto lc tua aku ni selepas tukar kepada blok fz jadi aku rehatkan dia buat sementara waktu & sekadar naik untuk tunggangan urusan seharian dan untuk keperluan membuat kerja, sementara mengumpul modal untuk membaik pulih sepenuhnya dan kembali sihat seperti sediakala. Perancangan seterusnya semua yang telah dipasang perlu dibuka kembali dan dirombak semula dengan cara pemasangan yang lebih cermat dan teliti dengan kaedah yang betul dan tak lupa juga setting dan tuning komponen tersebut amatlah tersangat penting. Jadi dalam pengalaman 5 tahun aku pakai moto lc ni kira memang berbaloi dengan apa yang dibayar dan sudah balik modal dengan kerja kerja yang dilakukan bersama moto lc ni dan yang paling bernilai untuk diri aku ialah pengalaman yang aku lalui dari semasa ke semasa setia bertemankan aku tanpa banyak masalah ketika aku susah dan senang. Jadi sekarang ni moto ni dalam keadaan yang susah atau yang lebih tepat part part dalamanya sudah uzur (wear & tear) dan perlu diganti, jadi harap harap aku dapat banyak bersabar, tidak gasak lebih dari kemampuan dan keadaan dia dan semoga Allah memberi rezeki yang secukupnya untuk melakukan pembaik pulih moto tua ni.

Personal Stock Factory Notes
  • Stock keluar kedai enjin semua tak penah usik apa apa. (standard gaban)
  • Running in untuk 1000km pertama bawah 60kmh.
  • Sprocket setting terbaik pada 15/37 ratio 2.47 dengan 112 chain link tayar depan 70/90 belakang 80/90.
  • Paling rendah sprocket drop 15/36 ratio 2.4 still ok untuk long distance single rider. 15/35 top termenung.
  • Minyak enjin paling sedap dan terbaik FULLY SYNTHETIC atau SEMI SYNTHETIC kelikatan pada sekitar SAE 15W-50 20W-50
  • Untuk 5 tahun coolant pernah ditukar sebanyak 2 kali.
  • Cruising highway speed paling sedap jarum meter pada sekitar 150-160kmh
  • Final top speed on throttle demand pada jarum meter 170-175kmh. (top speed log 180kmh, factory odometer tak properly calibrate "meter ringan")
  • Stock CDI TPS Degree position adjustment to value between 0.63-0.73V
  • Tol Juru ke Tol Ipoh minyak full tank 4 liter RM7 Ron95 with enough fuel left to get into Ipoh.
  • Mileage last log before breakdown at 125000km.
  • Cause of breakdown crack head gasket, coolant leaking mix with engine oil.
  • Stock atau standard adalah terbaik untuk kegunaan jangka masa yang lama dengan penukaran minyak enjin pada masanya.
  • End of log

The Jetting Stuff

Main Jet

Main Jets are the most critical metering system in most motorcycles. It is located at the bottom of the bowl generally near the Pilot Jet. The Main Jet helps to ensure the engine is operating under full power and prolong the engine life. The Main Jet is predominant especially in racing usage. It controls 60% to 100% of the throttle opening and provides fuel to the engine from about 1500 RPM right up to maximum RPM.

Usually, the Main Jet is the last jet you need to deal with. It is easy to get the right tune. Main Jets have different sizes of holes that determine the maximum flow rate of the fuel into the Venturi. A bigger Main Jet has a bigger hole so it lets more gas flow into the engine. The higher number of Main Jet, the richer air/fuel mixture that you will get. It is not only measures the quantity of gas into engine, it also helps in cooling the motorcycle engine.

Main Jet replacement is super easy. When you begin to adjust the Main Jet, it is advisable to start the replacement with an oversized jet. Although it will make the engine runs very rich, but it will ensure that you do not cause any damage to the engine. From there, you can gradually decrease the size (in increments of 5) of the Main Jet until your engine runs properly. Once you find the size that works well, you can make fine tune adjustments by trying different size jet around that size but using smaller increments.

Pilot Jet

Pilot Jet is also referred to as the slow jet or idle jet, since it controls the fuel delivery during start-up and idling of your bike. It runs the engine when the throttle is closed. This means Pilot Jet supplies the engine requirements of fuel and air to the engine at low RPM only. The Pilot Jet has a major influence on fuel flow from zero to 1/4 of throttle opening. When you open the throttle about one eighth of the way, all the gas / air mixtures going into the engine is controlled by the Pilot Jet.

In terms of design, Pilot Jet is a medium sized brass jet with a calibrated hole in it. It is located inside the float bowl next to the needle jet or Main Jet location. It can be accessed through the bottom of the carburetor (remove the bowl). You should check the Pilot Jet if your bike has trouble getting fuel when starting, or has a rough idle at low RPM. If your bike feels zingy off the bottom, this indicates that the mixture is too lean. This problem can be remedied by installing a bigger Pilot Jet to give the system more fuel and air mixture.

Click here to go to the original source.

Click here for more useful information on carburetor tuning.

Image Source (Google)

Plug n Play

"In computing, a plug and play device or computer bus, is one with a specification that facilitates the discovery of a hardware component in a system without the need for physical device configuration or user intervention in resolving resource conflicts."

Melalui pengalaman terdahulu semasa mencari barang barang aftermarket untuk lc sering kali ternampak perkataan PNP dan juga bila diajukan soalan untuk part tertentu maka akan dijawab "ini Plug n Play sajaaa, terus pasang ja mesti laju punyaaaaa" maka terliur lah kepada sesapa yang mengidam atau bercita cita untuk pergi lebih laju dan jugak kepada sesapa yang tidak puas hati dan kecewa dengan kemampuan standard lc ni yang masih dalam kategori berspesiskan kapcai yang asalnya adalah motorsikal yang direka sesuai untuk kegunaan dan keperluan seharian. Plug n Play atau dalam bahasa melayunya pasang dan main atau yang lebih tepat pasang dan terus pakai, istilah yang berasal dan disingkatkan dalam komputer disertai makna dari kepanjangannya sekarang juga sering kali digunakan untuk arena modifikasi motosikal lc.

Maka terutama sekali untuk yang baru memasuki arena modifikasi atau yang tidak ada pengalaman, tidak ada kenalan yang serba tahu bab modifikasi dan juga jenis ikut cakap kawan kawan maka sering kali terkena dengan istilah PNP ni termasuk diri aku sendiri pada mula dahulu, ramai yang beranggapan bahawa untuk menambahkan kelajuan lc adalah mudah seperti komputer hanya perlu tukar pasang dan pakai dan terus laju terutama sekali untuk bahagian silinder blok yang bersaiz saiz besar. Untuk sebarang pengubahsuaian lc ia tidak lah sebegitu mudah, sebenarnya banyak yang perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan setting yang terbaik daripada gabungan part part aftermarket tersebut seperti carburetor, ekzos, cdi dan komponen komponen kecil yang bila ditambah campur sana sini itu dan ini ia melibatkan kos kewangan yang boleh mencecah hingga ribuan ringgit. Untuk pemasangan komponen atau part part antara yang paling penting ialah mekanik yang betul betul mahir atau specialist terutama skali untuk moto lc. Pemasangan part part tersebut memerlukan kiraan yang tepat, kemahiran, pengalaman dan tidak boleh dibuat ala kadar. Sekiranya mencapai apa yang dihajati dengan pemasangan ala kadar maka disitu ketahanan komponen tersebut tidak akan tahan lama dan boleh dipertikaikan. Selepas dua tiga bulan perlu masuk bengkel balik atau bahananya selepas moto kerap sangat kena masuk bengkel dan melibatkan lagi kos tambahan. Jadi untuk kegunaan jangka masa yang lama dan untuk ketahanan tanpa banyak masalah dinasihatkan mengekalkan standard, keluaran kilang adalah yang terbaik yang telah dikirakan dan design oleh engineer Yamaha yang mampu bertahan bertahun tahun lamanya dengan kadar kemampuan yang telah dikira sesuai dengan kapasiti dan keupayaan lc. Maka ada jugak yang tetap tidak puas hati dengan performance lc dan ingin meneruskan hajatnya untuk mengubahsuai kan dengan aftermarket part maka pastikan terlebih dahulu mekanik yang hendak melakukan kerja kerja tersebut benar benar mahir, penyediaan modal kewangan sekitar RM1000 keatas untuk part part aftermarket dan upah pemasangan dan lakukan sedikit research terlebih dahulu, review dari rider lain, banyak kan bertanya, membaca sumber sumber dari internet seperti forum dan blog sebelum membeli part part aftermarket tersebut.

Semoga berjaya, selamat & semoga sampai kepada apa yang dihajati.

Last Monday

3 Jun 2013
  • Mileage at 13456
  • Replace stock Pilotjet #20.0 to #22.5
  • Change front tyres to Viva 70/90
  • Change front exhaust manifold to 28mm (1.1 inches)
  • Revert back front & rear sprocket to stock 15/39 on ratio 2.6 to compensate the 90/90 rear tyre
  • New DID 428 sprocket chain with 112 link

Condition Log:
  1. Valve (tepet) adjustment possibly not properly done.
  2. Top Dead Center needs to be recheck and properly align.
  3. Mainjet need to change to #110 or change the needle clip to the bottom last position.
  4. Will change back to stock OEM Camshaft.
  5. Waterpump gasket and seal will be replace.
  6. Auto clutch and clutch plate needs to be replace asap.