Malaysia 135LC Owners

Log Jumaat

  • Mileage at: 12500Kmh
  • New Coolant Replace
  • Carburetor Adjustment
  • Engine Oil flush with STP Engine Flush
  • Engine Oil replace with new oil filter 
  • Air Filter cover revert back to stock
*Need to monitor engine oil for coolant contimination.
Suspected source of leaking water pump seal.
Probable cause: Wear & Tear
(Need to change new water pump gasket set , water pump seal and new water pump bearing asap or on next service)

*Radiator fan in working condition
*To check spark plug condition
*New recommended jetting for stock carb vm22 on 57mm cylinder
- Mainjet #105
- Pilotjet #22.5
- Fuel needle bottom clip/slot

Compression Dilemma...

So after a few days changing or upgrading to the FZ150 cylinder kit for my LC135 the first thing I've noticed after taking the LC out for a ride was the compression. You can feel like there's just no kicks to it, there seems to be a lagging in respond when twisting the throttle. Based on review from other forumers, reading, googling and asking around the low compression type piston is more suited for the FZ150 aka Vixion motorcycles which uses the fuel injection system, as for the LC riders experience most of those who has upgraded to these 150cc cylinder kit is kinda of disappointed with the performance though some result may vary on others which depends based on their modification and other tweaks.
Other alternative way to gain higher compression for the cylinder kit is to squishband the cylinder, which is the process taking off about 0.5mm to 1.0mm either on the bottom or the upper end section of the cylinder and also not forgetting deeper valve pocket to avoid the possibilities of piston and valve collision (google more for squishband). These modification can alternatively be done but might compromise the reliability for a long term and daily usage if not done right or for others they might just not feel comfortable doing this kind of modification.
The other best and possibly the safest alternative way to gain more compression is to get a flat type piston which is the same type on the stock 54mm piston before replacing the cylinder kit.
High dome piston is also on the list to gain a higher compression but based on my personal opinion it is recommended only to those who wants to take these moped aka kapchai modification on another kinda of level. The DiASil material which is based on YAMAHA aluminum die-cast technology is also kinda of sensitive and does not get along well when combine with cheap unreliable steel or alloy piston type material. Fitting of genuine Yamaha parts or a reliable forged type piston is recommended to ensures uncompromised use of your LC.

Flat Piston 57mm for the FZ150 Cylinder Kit for higher compression.
Priced around RM75

Stock FZ150 Low Compression Piston

Image Source (Google)

Keep Notes / Misc

Untitled Document Exhaust Cutout

Turn (geometry)

Piston Rings

Chain Links

Carburetor Needle clip/slot

Needle Clip/Slot Position

Carb Tuning

Valve Adjustment

Exhaust Porting

Sumber Imej (Google)

Total Motorcycle

For motorcycle enthusiast is definately worth checking out. Contains one of the biggest motorcycle archive way back to the early days and to the most current and the latest thats available. Full motorcycle specification details and heaps of wallpaper.

Mono Log

Date: Thursday 9 May 2013

Disassemble the old stock KYB monoshock to replace with the new monoshock.

Makida monoshock & KYB stock monoshock comparison.
Makida monoshock has the same height as the stock KYB monoshock but lighter in weight.

Germany's Autobahn

Best watched in 720p fullscreen.

Speed limit: no general speed limit
Advisory speed limit: 130Kmh (81 mph)
Germany's autobahn network has a total length of about 12,845 kilometres
More information on Germany's autobahn at Wikipedia
Motorcycle Walkaround Suzuki B-King


Setelah 5 tahun dan 112272kmh pada meter mileage monoshock original KYB untuk lc135 teramat lembut dan melantun (bumping) yang melampau terutama sekali bila menunggang dengan pembonceng dan juga tidak stabil ketika mengambil selekoh yang boleh mengundang bahaya ketika menunggang. Masa yang agak lama juga diambil untuk mencari gantian monoshock dengan faktor kewangan dan setelah google search dalam internet membaca review review dari pengguna lain terdapat beberapa monoshock aftermarket yang direkomenkan untuk Yamaha lc135 seperti YSS 7 step, Racingboy dan seangkatan dengannya. Untuk penukaran monoshock cuba didapatkan monoshock jenis preload atau jenis adjustable dan akhirnya keputusan dibuat untuk membeli monoshock brand Makida untuk lc135 yang agak sesuai dengan bajet. Monoshock Makida menjadi pilihan sebab ketinggiannya adalah sama macam standard original dan memandangkan tayar belakang adalah saiz 90/90 maka ketinggian tayar belakang sudah menyebabkan motosikal hampir mencecah lantai ketika waktu double stand. Monoshock seperti YSS 7 step, Racingboy adalah lebih tinggi dari monoshock standard.

Monoshock Makida Yamaha LC135 Preload Adjustable

Monoshock Makida LC135 dipesan dari saudara podgie aka anep dari forum MBC
Contact No: 013-9223498

YSS 7 Step Monoshock LC135

Racingboy Monoshock Yamaha LC135

Memandangkan permintaan part yang tinggi maka terdapat pihak pihak tertentu yang mengeluarkan barang klon atau loker di mana modal pembuatan teramat murah dan dijual dengan harga yang sama dengan barang original dan juga dari penjual yang yang mengambil kesempatan untuk mengaut keuntungan yang lebih, Pastikan barang yang dibeli adalah tulen dari pihak pengeluar dan lakukan sedikit research terlebih dahulu.

Sumber Imej (Google)

Replacing The Camshaft

Few days ago found a pretty useful video on how to replace the camshaft. This is just to get the basic ideas on how to replace the camshaft since the motorcycle model is pretty similiar in the cylinder head and block section. The demonstration is done on a Yamaha YZF R15. It is always a good idea to get a qualified mechanics to do these part replacement.