I'm new to rejetting, how do I know if the engine is lean or rich?
If the bike seems to be lean then partially cover the intake to the air filter housing with duct tape, if the carburetor improves it is running lean.If the bike seems to be rich remove the airbox cover, if the carburetor improves it is running rich.
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Here are some things that affect jet size:
-Changing air cleaner, air box will affect how much air gets to the carburetor.
-Cleaning or oiling the air filter will affect how much air can get through it.
How do I tell if I am running Rich or Lean?
When rich, (too much fuel) the engine sputters, acts like it is cold, won't warm up, does not clean out, chugs, spark plug gets black, plug fouls, won't rev up.\ When Lean, (Not enough fuel) Dies out, Wheezes, runs out of gas, Seizes, gets hot, spark plug is white, spark plug has little melted gobs on it, warms up fast, you can start engine cold and rev it right up.
What can I do to experiment?
To make it lean open up the air box a bit make sure the intake boots are not shrinking down clean out the air filter remove the air box. To make it rich: Close off the intake holes in the air cleaner box. Hope this helps.
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Idle and low rpm is the job of the pilot jet. Larger pilot jet will make things richer at low rpm, smaller--->Lean
From about 1/4 throttle to 3/4 throttle is the needle jet. The basic adjustment here is the height position. Higher--->Rich, Lower--->Lean.
Full throttle is the main jet, large--->Rich, Small--->Lean. This is where most people need a change when a free flowing pipe is added. More air means you need more fuel to keep the ratio right.
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Carburetor Set Up and Lean Best Idle Adjustment
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